

I'm Marian

I'm Marian

Let's Talk!

Hi, nice to meet you.

Firstly, let me introduce myself, I am passion-driven web developer, that focuses on compiling my customers queries with highest level of motivation, hard work and efficient use of knowledges. The last over 3 years of work and study experience made me confident but at the same time, increased my willing of continuous professional improvement.

Specializing in


UI/UX Designer

I like prototyping, it helps me think through interaction models and new possibilities.


Front-End Developer

Thoughtfully designed websites built with performance and best practices in mind.



Responsible for building and maintaining the technology.



It has been designed as a gallery store for a small business. This is just a prototype and it need's to be finished with the rest of the content/domain.

See Live Source Code

Casa Maioru

It is a web site developed to meet a Romanian customer queries. Due to my customer criteria, it does not have any e-commerce platform, and it allows viewers to contact him through reservation system.

See Live Source Code

TalkWith Marinica

It is a chat application developed in Java Script language, in React. It have the purpose to deliver privacy and safety for its user. You can give it a try with:

- Username : testapp

- Pass: testapp212

See Live Source Code
All my work

Contact Info

I am more than happy to get in touch for any queries. I would like talk to you via email, especially if we might be few zones away.

©2021 Marian Brumă.
Made with heart in London
United Kingdom.

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